Monday, September 28, 2009

contribution to climate change

last weekend we had still a lovely indian summer with loads of sun and warmth. but right now the evenings and nights gets a bit crispy and cold so we cannot sit outside uptill late. saturday night (Mr. was gone for a climbing-biking weekend) the 8 year old and me were home together. we both look forward to this spare weekends with just the two of us (not that we want the Mr. not to be with us). but we are always planning a 'pizza in front of television'dinner' and hire a nice kids movie (the movie 'bolt' is very much recommended).
so we did and the crispy evening made us start the wood heater to make it even more 'gezellig' (= cosy). at those moments I don't mind the cold evenings and nights that will be here for the next 6 months. but only on those moments.....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

other forms and colors: go go's

suddenly they are all out there. somebody in a marketing office had an idea and another one said "oh well, we can just give it a try". And since one week the life of the 8 year old is all about strange plastic creatures in horrible colors and forms. where I get fun and satisfaction from forms and colors in my garden, my son is excited about forms and colors of these go go's. So we need to do shopping in the nearby supermarket, every 10 euro's spent is one go go. groups of boys are standing near the supermarket entrance on go go hunt and drive all the people in and around the shop grazy: "may I have you go go's please?" and as you can guess: there must be one golden go go out there.

ps. the network scales of the eight year old are stunning. family, neighbours, friends of us are all submitted to do their shopping in the nearby supermarket.
ps. I really need a better camera.....

Monday, September 21, 2009

Life & Garden impersonation

lovely husband and father inlaw have done a great project in the garden lately. they made me a garden cabinet. all the garden equipment has found a lovely home and is not going around anymore in the kitchen or just laying around in open and wet places in the garden. I feel like a real Life & Garden gardener with a cabinet like this. especially because the inlaw put a lock on it, which is in the inlaw family for more the many years (great grandpa seems to have made it himself). with the cabinet in nordic yellow and a lock which can hold a horse, my trimmer is savely locked away.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

itsy pitsy......

every one with a garden must recognize this; in autumn you cannot go around in the garden without getting a spiderweb in your face or hair. everywhere you go you feel sticky thread and suddenly you feel a creapy crawly spider running down your neck into a place you don't want spiders to be.

their webs are beautiful with this low sun in this time of year but hard to get on picture (with my camera....!). an autumn garden with spiderwebs, low sunbeams and leaves turning each color is (almost) more beautiful then a summer garden filled with hundreds of flowers. the only real reason I don't like the autumn season is that I realise it will be followed by a wet and dark and cold winter......

still going strong

as the end of season really has set (from one day to the other the leaves decided it is time to fall), we have some parts of the garden which refuse to give in. some flowers are at their best at this time of year. but also the little vegetable garden is not done yet. the tomato plants keep giving yummie sweet tomatoes for months now and everyday we can pick some more. temperature is still fine enough for tomatoe growing I guess.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

end of season

although we still have warm days (and nights!) it seems Holland is making up for autumn. yesterday I saw in 15 minutes from home to work the 'army of nature control'. control over the looks nature can have. someone was out there to cut all the reed at the waterfront; so our garden suddenly looks very naked. I saw someone in a 'steam car' cleaning the pavement. have no clue why we need that because in a few weeks the streets will be covered with leaves. and saying that: I bumped into someone who was going around with a 'leave blower'. I could only discover a few so the guy was maybe excercising for the big autumn pile arriving soon?

as said: we have some sort of indian summer going on but the signs that it is really end of season show: the boat is not being used and is dropped in a corner of the terras, the most plants start to turn brownish and flowers stop blooming over and over again.
Some won't give up and they are queen of the garden at the moment....